Saul the World's Largest Sticker Ball has had quite a year. He is now ready to step up for America with his premium quality image and tackling different view points from thousands of custom stickers. Saul has his stickers set on the White House.
Saul the Largest Sticker Ball has officially declared his candidacy for President through the only medium he knows how, a custom bumper sticker. Saul's goal is for everyone to "Stick Together" on the issues that count.
Some people question if Saul is made of tough enough stuff to handle a Presidential campaign. Well, with over 177,000 custom stickers and labels padded on to build him up to the weigh in of 231.6 pounds of sticky substrate and an 8.8 foot circumference. We challenge anyone to try to take on this largest ball of stickers. In fact, with his addition to Roadside America. Saul has been visiting with potential voters for months now and building up even more of a sticker reputation.
Next week, Guinness World Records will be swinging by to get some pictures of our newest Presidential Candidate as he has already made history by being the first candidate to run for President and be included in the prestigious Guinness World Record book.
In addition, because of Saul's sticky personality with his campaign to "Stick Together," he has also drawn attention for consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize this week. We are eagerly awaiting to see him pull of this feat as the Nobel Peace Prize candidates are kept very secret. There is nothing more peaceful in nature than a sticker campaign to say what you need and Saul is peace at his core.
"Stick With Him" this election season, as we will be including these Die Cut Bumper Stickers for Saul's Presidential run in all orders up until November, 8th.