March 4, 2014
This week StickerGiant sponsored swag is making its way to a mighty group of brainiacs in Bend, Oregon who are gathering this weekend to attend the 4th annual Ruby on Ales conference.
Ruby on Ales is a two day single track Ruby conference that offers programming geeks all the traditional conference resources—presentations, opportunities to find a new job and network—with the added mellowing affect of wheat-derived libations.
“Ruby on Ales feels a lot like a reunion of friends and colleagues.”
Open to newbies and alumni alike, programmers will spend the weekend challenging themselves, meeting new people, and drinking the beer that makes the state of Oregon such a hotbed for craft beer enthusiasts.
Don't miss getting your hands on the event sticker sheets we've sent along for the occasion. These full color die cuts even made our staff want to swipe a few before they left the shop. Sporting a red ruby gem and and two beer glasses in the acting of cheers-ing, the sticker designs are reflective of the vast depth of creativity flourishing within the Ruby on Rails community.
Attending the event and want to order your own nifty collection of custom stickers? Use the coupon code RubyOnAles14 and apply $10.00 on us;)