January 2, 2018

Stickers for First Day Hikes in New York State Parks
These stickers went out to the New York State Parks Public Affairs team, where they manage 180 state parks from the shores of Long Island to the mighty Niagara Falls, and hope to inspire residents and travelers to the Empire State to take advantage of all that the state has to offer. The guided First Day Hikes were led by knowledgeable state park staff and volunteers, and the goal is to have fun and savor beauty. The guide offers knowledge and safety, especially for those who are experiencing the outdoors for the first time. It's never to late to start, and the key for those who want to continue is to have a great first experience. Like many resolutions, they come and go, but with a lasting impression like this kiss cut sticker, people can be inspired to keep up their connection with a state park nearby. Resolve to have a healthy lifestyle for you and your family this year. America's State Parks have a great mission, and we hope these stickers help folks remember to get outdoors.America’s State Park programs are committed to promoting outdoor recreation in hopes to help address obesity, especially in children. Furthermore, exercise and outdoor activities rejuvenate the mind and body, promoting overall mental and physical health and wellness. Many believe that time spent in nature enhances creativity and lifts our moods!In the United States, the America's State Parks include 10,336 state park areas comprising 18,597,527 acres, with 9,067 trails over 38,200 miles total length and 241,255 campsites ranging from multiple hookups to primitive locals. And the State Parks System administrators make sure we all have access to these amazing resources. We love data here in the sticker factory, and seeing these massive numbers makes us want to plan a road trip and see more of this country. At StickerGiant, we're big supporters of any outdoor recreation, and in our home state of Colorado we print custom stickers for many adventure sports brands and outdoor recreation companies. It's not only good business for our state, it's good living for the residents of the Centennial State. Here's to healthy living outdoors in 2018.