Just ask Superman, power from the sun is awesome. Real Goods Solar Company is busy installing solar panels to bring more clean energy in the world and they are giving away the answer with custom clear stickers.
Real Goods Solar Company (RGS Energy) has installed more than 25,000 solar energy systems which has brought more than 260 megawatts of clean, affordable solar to homes and businesses. RGS started back in 1978 selling a few solar panels out of a general store and every since have been creating awesome solar experiences. As they expand their services in more and more states, they focus on creating a local experience for their customers.
For promoting the benefits of solar, RGS uses clear square stickers that state "Solar Is the Answer!" These crystal clear stickers make it easy to apply to anything as they blend right in. The light blue seen on this sticker is just for the proofing process. The material they are printed on is clear then coated with a UV lamination to hold up to the power of the sun that RGS uses to help people create clean energy across the United States.