August 30, 2012
A free Ruby on Rails workshop in Portland? What's the catch?
To get into Rails Girls Portland, you have to be a woman. With a laptop (and at least a basic knowledge of working with a computer). Or a man, accompanied by an interested lady. (Even better if she's more interested in the curriculum than she is in you.) Girls are given priority. Bottom line: If you're a female with the desire to create a super cool web application with Ruby on Rails but don't know where to start, you're in the right place.
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you right beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.
"Who could hang a name on you when you change with every new day?" Get that song out of your head. Tuesday's got nothing to do with it. Rails Girls Portland takes place on the evening of Friday September 7th and all day on Saturday the 8th. Rest assured, it's not a random episode of Portlandia ...