Public Eye Skateboards

December 8, 2011
Public Eye Skateboards
Square Logo Stickers for Public Eye Skateboards in Lafayette, CO printed by StickerGiant Our neighbors in Lafayette, Public Eye Skateboards know what a kid wants. Ahem, it IS almost Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Eid. Grandma and Grandpa, are you listening?
We Make Skateboard Shopping Simple for Parents & Grandparents! Skateboard shopping can be very intimidating for family members.  At Public Eye Skateboards we are in tune with the latest products as well as the needs of our skaters at the Lafayette Skatepark! We also de-mystify the longboarding phenomenon and its current popularity with teenagers everywhere.
Can't say why, but these guys bring to mind the charmingly-cheesy documentary we caught on PBS about the colony of African penguins at Boulders Beach in South Africa. Also known as the Jackass Penguin, the antics of these determined birdies had us thinking of the dare devilry performed by the American dudes of the same classification. Which could be the tie-in with skateboards. Ah ha!
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