Design Week Proves There is a Method to the Madness

October 14, 2014
Design Week Proves There is a Method to the Madness
Since 2009, when a passionate open letter from designer Mark Dudlik to the Phoenix, Arizona design community gained momentum and supporters, Phoenix Design Week has been bringing together a variety of visual disciplines into one crazy conference of love, support and everything you can think of related to design. It's a wonderful grassroots campaign that draws in worldwide attention, and is quickly fanning the flames of fame. Phoenix Design Week will be rockin' the desert October 16-24 with world-class speakers, workshops and the Method + Madness Conference October 18-19th at the Phoenix Convention Center. The conference promises to be the highlight of the week with industry speakers, hands-on sessions, workshops and an in-depth look at two aspects of design - the beautiful process of creation and the insight and training that will help you achieve your goals. That sounds pretty exciting to us! StickerGiant has not only created the beautiful Method + Madness sticker but is a sponsor of the event itself! Pretty cool, right? We're also stoked about their awesome sticker creation, which features the conference logo and accurately describes the event - the magic elixir of design is just waiting to be uncorked and poured into your creative, capable hands. It's truly a beautiful work of design itself! Mark your calendars or tie a string around your finger so you don't forget to register for this amazing event - it won't be back for another year! Are you ready to rock your own sticker design? Click here to get started.  
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