Accurately reproducing an artist's work is one of the most important things we do here at StickerGiant.
The custom die-cut wolf sticker we recently printed for Boulder artist Phil Lewis is a perfect case in point. The artwork was incredibly complex and filled with intricate line work and deep saturated colors.
Phil pencils his artwork freehand and inks the fine lines with Pigma Micron pens. Once the black and white line work is done, Phil scans the artwork and prints out a clean copy. The color work is done with Sharpies and other markers.
After the color work is complete, Phil scans the artwork into Photoshop again and goes to town with a Wacom drawing tablet. Brightness and contrast are adjusted, colors are reworked and the black lines are redrawn. The Burn tool is used to add shading and depth for a 3D look.
We added just a tiny bit of magic once the artwork was on our system. Our digital process enables a smooth die cut that enhances the three-dimensional effect, insuring that the sticker will visually pop off whatever surface it'sapplied to.
Kick back and watch Phil create The Buffalo ...
Would you keep a wolf as a pet? I know folks that do and have to admit that the whole idea makes me a little antsy. But the idea of having an Ant Farm makes more worse than antsy ... it makes me itchy. Thinking about having a small herd of buffalo roaming the south forty, on the other hand, makes me want to whistle a happy tune.