's Noble Quest to Pass the Sweet Potatoes

October 2, 2012's Noble Quest to Pass the Sweet Potatoes
Actions-Speak-Louder-Custom-Square-Sticker-Printed-by-StickerGiant is on a mission to spread the goodness of sweet potatoes around the world. You might think of the sweet potato simply as a scrumptious addition to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but this terrific tuber packs a whopping amount of beta-carotene ... it's nature's way of candy-coating your daily intake of Vitamins A and C. Bono's not the only rocker to have a soft spot for yummy yams ...

My dream is to become a farmer. Just a Bohemian guy pulling up his own sweet potatoes for dinner. - Lenny Kravitz wants you to post a photo of your family's sweet potato dish on Instagram with the hashtag #recipe4change and submit the recipe to ONE's "Recipe 4 Change" cookbook. Don't let Nana keep the secrets of her sweet potato pie, fries, salad, chips, or casserole all to herself.

ONE is calling on world leaders to put sweet potatoes on the menu and nutrition on the global agenda. We can save children's lives, help them live up to their full potential, and build a healthier, more productive future for the world's poorest nations.

Share those recipes and pass the sweet potato love, baby!
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