Odina Surf is environmentally friendly surf wear for active girls everywhere!

July 25, 2011
Odina Surf is environmentally friendly surf wear for active girls everywhere!
Odina Eco Surf Style Custom Stickers Printed by StickerGiant Odina Surf—"designed in California, tested in Hawaii, made in the U.S.A."—is hot, cool, functional, and comfy all at once. Oh, and they're eco-friendly. These folks have it all!
Odina is an environmentally friendly swimwear line designed for girls who want to rip and look fabulous doing it. Created for the female surfer, the active woman, that appreciates a swim suit that unites fashion, function, and sustainability. Odina uses recycled, reclaimed and organic fabrics that meet the demands of active women.
And check out that sweet Volkswagen bus/truck in the photo. Bet you didn't know they could do that, did you? Nowhere near as popular as the VW Campmobile, but still a fantastic (if underpowered) idea. It was the automotive mullet of the counterculture!
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