No One Knows Caramel Quite Like Hellimae's

August 18, 2014
No One Knows Caramel Quite Like Hellimae's
  Let's not mince words here - caramels are delicious. Eat them on their own, add them to your baking or drizzle them over apples to make an otherwise healthy food just a bit more tasty (calorie count aside).  Don't let the little size fool you, though. Caramels pack a bodacious amount of flavor and are a wonderful way to treat yourself when you deserve it. Which is all the time, because you're awesome. Helliemae's Salt Caramels is a funky Colorado company that goes crazy when it comes to new flavor combinations for their deliciously delightful handcrafted caramels, which is good news for customers. For the last four years, Helliemae's has been churning out candy treats with additions of sea salt, coffee, cardamom and (boozehounds rejoice!) a variety of liquors such as whiskey and bourbon for a definite adult feel that's often missing from the candy section at your local grocery store. Helliemae's went with a delightfully charming sticker to offset the bold, brazen flavors that melt in your mouth. It might drive customer's a little crazy to have a sticker just as loud as the candy, after all. This sticker is small and sweet - what does that remind you of? Why, caramels, of course! It reminds you that you're in good hands, and brings a smile to your face when you see it (and when you eat the caramel). If your mouth isn't watering by now, you should check to see if you're still alive and then order some of your own. Hellimae's ships directly from her kitchen to your hands anywhere in the United States, or you can find these specialty items in retailers across the country. Check out this video of the owner showing her stuff, then click here to see how you can get a sweet batch of stickers for yourself.
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