Happy Friday! Now showing on Google, we have a new StickerGiant Virtual Tour available. Check out the NEW sticker factory in all its glory to see where your custom stickers and labels get made.
It all starts with Saul the Guinness World Record for the Largest Sticker Ball welcoming all to StickerGiant. Then you will get to navigate through our office space for the Custom Sticker Experts, Art Team, PrePress Team and the Marketing Command Center. From there, pop in back to see our Production with printers, laser cutters and everything lined up that turns sticky substrate material into your very own promotional stickers and rolled product labels going out the door.
Pay attention as you go for a fun easter egg showing off our passion as nerds. Big thanks to Threesixty Virtual Tours for coming out and making it look great.
Enjoy the 360 degree StickerGiant experience.