July 18, 2012

We don't know much about the mysterious folks behind Mudflap Rags, but we do know this: The image they use of the coyly-posed (ahem) portly gentleman is an hilarious send-up of the
iconic babe spotted on mudflaps from here to Tuscaloosa. Which was based on a real person:
someone's mom. No joke!
What is it about truckers in the 70s? Tough, intimidating, unmistakably cool: they were kings of the road, like cowboys with a bigger horse. Loathed by dads driving the family wagon cross-country to grandma's house, these guys earned their reputation for fast living, crazy road shenanigans, and that heart-of-gold can-do attitude. Need proof? Fire up the Netflix instant and treat yourself to a Hal Needham marathon:
Cannonball Run,
Smokey and the Bandit, and for good measure, White Line Fever.
Nowadays, truckers are rolling down a much bleaker highway: NAFTA woes, images of missing kids on the back of every rig, higher gas prices, lower speed limits. And their
best contribution to fashion has been co-opted by (ahem) undesirables. At least they get better coffee now.