Dustin Spagnola is what some might call an unapologetic artist with a keen eye for social commentary. A prolific street artist (among other mediums), Spagnola is anything but the fame seeking type. This no doubt adds to his street cred appeal. After researching Spagnola for this blog piece, we quickly discovered that his visual art speaks in a way that text struggles to accurately convey. You truly have to see it for yourself:
From time to time, StickerGiant has the pleasure of working with Spagnola and we enjoy translating his art into sticker from. So when discussions began about proliferating blog pieces featuring actual sticker customers, our staff immediately thought of Spangnola.
Q&A with Dustin Spagnola
SG: What do people really dig about your product/services?:
DS: Large scale paintings. questioning authority.
SG: Who are the awesome people behind the curtain at your company or project and what do they do?
DS: Just me.
SG: Why/How do you use stickers as a marketing or outreach tactic?:
DS: Guerrilla campaigns.
SG: What advice would you give to a company thinking about using stickers as a marketing tactic to wow their fans. What has worked for you, what hasn’t, etc?:
DS: more stickers on the streets, more recognition
SG: List some ways that fans can support your brand to encourage growth apart from buying your product or service?:
DS: support local art. take pictures of murals. like images on facebook and share them. follow me on instagram
SG: Can you leave links to your social media outlets so that our community can get social with you?:
WEBSITE: https://www.dustinspagnola.com/
INSTAGRAM: @dustinspagnola
FAN PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/
PORTFOLIO: https://www.saatchionline.com/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/
TUMBLER: https://dustinspagnola.tumblr.