Montana Colors: Hardcore Paint

April 21, 2013
Montana Colors: Hardcore Paint
Custom Stickers shaped like spray paint cans printed by StickerGiant Grandmom might love her pastels and watercolors, but retro's not your thing. If you want to say it with color right now, you've gotta spray it. Montana Colors to the rescue, with their line of boutique spray paints and markers for today's artists. The medium's the message and it's gone maximum. Montana's Hardcore rattle cans are capable of spreading 32 square feet of color and designed to accept a range of caps for different widths and effects. Want to lay it down with a NY Skinny or an Astro fat cap? You're covered. The 94 line provides a whopping 147 matte colors to choose from. You won't find that at your local hardware store. With a range that wide, you're able to create unparalleled shading effects. They say it smells like vanilla. (I'd throw in a line about the sweet smell of success, but that would be too corny.) This awesome Montana custom-die cut sticker pays homage to, well, you know who. Get some hardcore paint, get your thrash on, get out there and create. Rattle can artwork isn't the wave of the future. It's what's here now.  
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