March 11, 2012
I've been in the miniature gaming scene since 1994 starting with FASA's Battletech and grew quickly into Games Workshop products. I model, convert, sculpt and paint figs for this hobby and work in commissions as I am able. I've been fortunate enough to win Player's Choice in the Chicago Grand Tournament in 2007, Best Artisan in a Combat Patrol tournament and Player's Choice at Adepticon 2010 and Best Artisan in a Combat Patrol again at Adepticon 2011.Cool beans, MinTim! So what is it about things made small that grab our attention? Remember Gulliver, who was captured by the Lilliputians despite their diminutive size? Who didn't want to go to Lilliput to see their tiny towns and houses? From schnauzers to houses, if it's in miniature we humans are captivated. Some posit that a tiny, designed object is viewed as more precious, transformative, and in a way—perfect. We'd have to agree, especially when presented with those cute mini candy bars. Mmmmm...Is it Halloween yet?