Mike Rowe Proves Hard Work Pays Off

August 13, 2014
Mike Rowe Proves Hard Work Pays Off
Unless you've been living under a rock for the last few years, you know that Mike Rowe is the main man when it comes to discovering some of the grossest, weirdest and hardest jobs on the planet. His wildly popular TV show, Dirty Jobs, has Mike going on strange adventures to see what it's like to do the jobs that keep the world turning. In addition to being super brave and really fun, Mike also spearheads the aptly named mikeroweWORKS Foundation, an organization that rewards skilled workers with scholarships to help them continue their schooling and improvement. Since it's inception in 2008, MRW has gifted over $2.5 million to schools around the country, like Universal Technical Institute and Tulsa Welding School. And just like Mike himself, the foundations's sticker is simple, bright and curiously adventurous. It boldly proclaims the name and features a cog, the one thing we all need to keep the wheel of life turning. Brilliant, wouldn't you say? Check out this video of Mike discussing his foundation with SkillsUSA, then click here to get your own sticker ideas out of your head and into the hands of the world!
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