Method + Madness Conference | PHXDW 2016

October 19, 2016
Method + Madness Conference | PHXDW 2016
Method-and-Madness-Custom-Stickers-from-StickerGiant Design is the method and the madness to pretty much everything. At StickerGiant, we have the responsibility to turn great designs into great stickers everyday. This is why we are so excited to be a sponsor at another year of AIGA Arizona's Method + Madness Conference | PHXDW. The Method + Madness Conference is happening this Saturday and Sunday as the main event of Phoenix Design Week.
"It’s a two-day grassroots conference organized by community volunteers for fellow designers, illustrators, writers, and UX professionals. Method + Madness brings together world-class speakers and local experts for two full days of actionable insights, hands-on education, and fire-fueling inspiration."
This year's conference is exploring the concept of Flux. This is, simply put, about adapting, as designers, to the audiences you're trying to reach and balancing the time to create something within the chaos.  Speakers will be addressing this at a lot of the talks this year as creatives from the industry gather for education and fun. The custom logo sticker for this year is incredible. It's a full color design with many little details worked into the design as cranes are building over the pink type, bricks are falling into place, there is a pipe line running through, paint brush laying down ink all to spell out the "Method + Madness."  This sticker is bound to be a hot item for laptops, tablets and more as attendees grab them to slap on their gear. Thanks to AIGA Arizona and PHXDW for giving us the opportunity to make stickers for a super fun design event. We are honored to be in the list of sponsors that help make an event like this amazing. Follow along this weekend for all the hot news and topics coming out of Method + Madness Conference | PHXDW 2016 on their Twitter.
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