January 20, 2011

Lotsa people love
Melissa Etheridge. I respect her – she puts on a good show, gives her all, and delivers her songs with confidence and flair. I have a soft spot for her 'cause she's from Leavenworth and I'm from Kansas City, her brand of rock is unique.
Plenty of people do choose Melissa. For them, we've got these groovy Melissa Etheridge stickers. Slap those on your car when you party in the parking lot before and after the February and March shows in her
Canadian tour! People do that, right? They party and sell hemp necklaces and talk about empowerment and stuff? Okay, I'm being snarky. But Oprah loves Melissa Etheridge, so she sure is popular. Rock on, Melissa.
And don't forget StickerGiant's prints custom
band stickers.