September 23, 2015

In honor of the
Great American Beer Festival kicking off, it feels right that we introduce you to one of the newest additions to the StickerGiant team, Dual Kegerator (DK). This double beer pouring machine is putting smiles on StickerGiant team members faces come five o'clock everyday.
DK joined us just about a month ago, replacing the old reliable standard kegerator that fueled the happy hour spirits around StickerGiant for over a year. We retired the old reliable kegerator to the garage of the owner of StickerGiant,
John Fischer, after realizing people's tastes and preferences varied. DK brought the multitasking ability to pour both delicious craft beer purchased from our brewery clients and also give the taste buds a change with some sweet craft ciders.
Those talks around the water cooler, turn into talks around DK most evenings at the sticker factory here in Colorado.
Melanie, Custom Sticker Expert, explains the best part of having a keg at StickerGiant, "Being able to socialize with your co-workers in other ways. Trying new beers, getting people's opinions about them and being able to bond with co-workers."
Jess, Custom Sticker Specialist, states, "I love that we have the options."
DK has brought a cohesiveness to the work place that we could have never dreamed of without him.