July 31, 2017

Hello, I'm Hamish and this is my sticker story.What do you do?
I am the Pay Per Click Analyst at StickerGiant. That means "Pay Per Click," so I specialize in paid search advertising. I also run the Facebook, social media paid advertising and co-host the podcast with Andrew.What's your story?
I'm the English guy in the office, so I was born in the UK (United Kingdom) but actually moved to Philadelphia when I was a little kid, so I grew up there before moving to Taiwan for another four years and then ended up back in the UK when I was nine years old. So I'm kind of the ex-pat kid. Um.. I did College in England and then came out to America and married my high school sweetheart and ended up back here in Colorado. So, I'm probably the travel guy, I guess, is usually what I tell people.How long have you been with StickerGiant?
So I started in StickerGiant at the beginning of March (2017). I've been here for three months and my background originally is in chemistry. I have a chemistry and business degree, so I guess that's how I got into data analytics and doing stuff with Google Analytics, Google Adwords and things like that, so I guess taking the science-y side of things and dealing with lots of numbers and then combining that with business stuff and doing online marketing now.What's your favorite part about your role?
My favorite part about my job is definitely the Command Center, this room is awesome. We have a ton of screens, we have a ton of data and for a numbers nerd like myself, it's really awesome to work with all this information to be able to make really smart decisions and yeah, definitely working with an awesome team as well.Tell us more.
I'm definitely a big outdoor advocate. Love riding my mountain bike and spending as much time in the great outdoors, so definitely part of the reason I moved to Colorado. I'm pretty stoked to keep it up.