Ed is one of our production leads supervising shipping, manufacturing, and one of our largest teams here at StickerGiant. When he's not wrangling material or helping improve our processes, you can find him working on his next writing project.
My name is Ed Olivo, and this is my sticker story.
Hello Ed!
I'm one of the production leaders here at StickerGiant.
What Do You Do?
I oversee and manage shipping, receiving, purchasing, inventory control and quality control. So a little bit of everything.
What's Your Background?
Yeah, so my background is, I was transferred to Hong Kong back in the early 90s by a local company here to open up a purchasing office over there. So I was over there for 23 years working with small, medium-size and large-size companies like Ferrari, Universal Studios, Disneyland and really learned a lot about manufacturing and production methodologies over there.
What's Your Story?
I was raised here in Colorado, single father to just an amazing teenage daughter she's, like my world, but I spend a lot of time, most of my free time is spent with her. But aside from that, I am a writer. I like writing. I enjoy it a lot. I've got a couple of works published, couple of solo projects, and I've got one coming out later this year hopefully. So I definitely see that as something I'll be doing more of in my future.
What's Your Favorite Thing About StickerGiant?
I've been at StickerGiant now for just over a year. Definitely my favorite thing about StickerGiant is the camaraderie. The people here just amazing to work with.
Our company I'd like to believe that we're technologically driven, but we're so people-hearted here and that's really what I love the most about this company is everybody just got each other's backs.
What Else?
I love gaming. I mean PS4, when I'm not with my daughter, and in front of the computer writing, I'm in front of the console playing games. I love gaming. I love playing music. I used to play guitar a lot, haven't played as much, but definitely love music. I don't know just the, the simple, basic comforts of life, man that's what I'm into.