Here's one of those times where we want to talk community involvement and more than just stickers. We've worked with Longmont Meals on Wheels for three years, and just last week we were awarded our first Community Involvement Award through the Longmont Economic Development Partnership based on our collaboration.
We wanted to recognize the work that they do to provide hot, nutritious meals and a daily check in for older adults and people with disabilities in Longmont and Niwot. And they've been doing it since 1969! Through Meals on Wheels, this home-bound population is able to maintain their independence, health, and dignity. Longmont Meals on Wheels has provided this service without any state or federal funding due to continued support of the community, and that's why we wanted to join forces.
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One of StickerGiant's yearly commitments involves community engagement, and most of the time we provide in-kind sponsorships and donations. Back in 2014, we reached out to them to find out where we could help. Since then, we have donated money and volunteer time to help with holiday gifts and emergency food bags.
The last two years, we bought the supplies and all the employees helped package up gifts for the seniors they help. This year we helped pack up emergency food bags for home deliveries, for when there's a major snow storm that doesn't allow drivers out to make deliveries. The bags feature one of our oval stickers that has the Meals on Wheels logo with a winter background, which helps those folks know where their meals came from.