Local Hack Day: StuyHacks and UBC Hacks

November 28, 2016
Local Hack Day: StuyHacks and UBC Hacks
Custom-Stickers-sponsored-by-StickerGiant-for-UBC-Hacks-and-StuyHacks-Hackathons We have a pair of student-led hackathons, one from a high school in Manhattan and one from a university in British Columbia. Both of these events are part of Major League Hacking, a group that brings hackers together worldwide, and this year there's a Local Hack Day on December 3rd. A local hack day is a casual event that brings people together to build cool tech-related projects over 12 hours. It’s very beginner friendly and it's encouraged that teams share projects with other fellow hackers in the end. StuyHacks-2016-Sponsored-Stickers


StuyHacks is a student-run hackathon taking place in the heart of Manhattan. They seek to expose as many high school students as possible to the creativity and innovation that technology brings.
To us, hackathons are more than friendly competitions - they're opportunities to meet the great inventors, creators, and thinkers of the future. Our job is to eliminate the negative connotations that come with hacking and the technology field, and to instead replace them with the idea that coding something anyone can do, even in a weekend. We want to help trailblaze a new generation of diversity and enthusiasm for invention. Come join our movement.
The students are ready to go and will all get a rad custom StuyHacks logo sticker to place on their computers to commemorate their long day of hacking.


UBC Local Hack Day

UBC Local Hack Day is free to students who are currently enrolled at UBC and are majoring in Computer Science can attend. The team is working on making Local Hack Day open to all students in the future. There will be free swag and most importantly, who doesn't want to program for 12 hours straight with fellow computer science students?
Whether you're a seasoned hackathon attendee, or a first-timer, you'll learn from the mentors and from collaborating with others. You can build a project alone or with teammates and get free swag along the way. Teams build upon their unique skillsets through collaboration and most importantly, everyone shares memories that last a lifetime.
UCB Hacks has an awesome design for their custom logo stickers with elements of the landscape and the city worked into the design. It's sure to be a popular pick up as the hackathon kicks off.
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