Oh, the Linsanity! The NBA has a new hero and his name is Jeremy Lin—and this season he's been setting the souls of New York Knickerbocker fans on fire.
Outstanding performance aside, it's his journey to stardom that's so very Linconceiveable. No college scouts took any Linterest in the point guard from Palo Alto. So...He went to Harvard. And graduated. With a degree in economics. Which would have been enough to feel like a Linner for most folks, but this kid still wanted to play. After paying more than his share of dues Lin the trenches of the NBA Gulag D-League, he finally got Linvited to the big dance and has been wiping the court with the drawers of NBA's hottest players. Right, Kobe?
So what's the lesson here, boys and girls? Hard work and Lindustry pay off. So does having a killer Linstinct in the heat of the game. Play your cards right, and you just might become a Linspiration yourself! At least for those Harvard grads who went into comedy.