Do you know what that’s a picture of up there? Why, it’s none other than pasta sauce, of course! Before you start asking, “What’s so special about sauce, and why am I reading this blog?” take a look at the labels. Fantastic, right? They really make the sauce jars stand out from similar products and show a lighter side to the brand without being cheesy or generic.
If you have an idea for a product that you want to develop, you’re tempted to jump ahead and obsess over the marketing materials you might need (and the cost associated with them). That’s good news for you, because you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to help you get your ideas from your imagination to the sticker itself, so let your creative flag fly and don’t be shy about it.
Maybe you don’t have an award-winning sauce recipe that everyone asks for, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an awesome-looking label for whatever it is you’re good at! And it doesn’t have to be just food - not at all! That’s just one example of a place where custom labels shine.
No matter what your idea is, your packaging and marketing can tie together in one cost-effective way with adhesive labels. Just look at Via Roma, the sauce in the picture above - they chose to label their product with an eye-catching design with minimal effort but huge response. You can do the same! Contact us for samples, quotes and all the help you’ll need for a fantastic marketing tool that is sure to set you apart from the rest.