December 11, 2014

Who knew that twenty pounds of concrete, a little bit of paint and several decades of care could result in such awesomeness? Nancy McKibben certainly didn't, but here we are, a good ways in to 2014 and Kitschy Cat has been borne out of an antique store find and lots of love.
Nancy's granddaughter fell in love with the kitschy little kitten that was an adorable find at a local antique shop, and the light bulb of an idea was officially switched on. Why not make Kitschy Cat available for everyone to love and adore, and in a cute collectible way, too? From there, the idea was off and running.
Kitschy Cat is featured on every page of this delightful alphabet postcard book, with plenty of reasons to stay in touch with the little ones in your life. Simply send the covers and initial postcard to the special little in your life, then give them a reason to look forward to receiving mail! There are 26 postcards, one for each letter of the alphabet - when all of the cards have been mailed, your child, grandchild or other special little one will have a custom-made book full of your correspondence. How cool is that?
Nancy launched a Kickstarter campaign in October to help take Kitschy Cat public, and one of her funding perks was a sticker set featuring the adorable kitten made by none other than yours truly! Yes, StickerGiant played a small hand in the campaign's funding success, and that just makes us feel good. The Kitschy Cat stickers are bright, vibrant and altogether reminiscent of Warhol's better days - a great sticker that goes just about anywhere your little one could imagine!
Even if you're not running a campaign, you can still get in on some sweet sticker deals! Have our Sticker Experts
help you craft the best stickers in the biz.