Journey to RockLove Jewelry

August 24, 2015
Journey to RockLove Jewelry
"My Precious"... We know that came to your mind right now. Don't deny it. RockLove Jewelry is making amazing old world, gothic, exotic pieces with some pretty big partners to create some beautiful jewelry. RockLove is an independent jeweler based out of New York City. Allison turned her passion into the business back in 2008. Her designs are cast in sterling silver, gold and brass. Her training came from an apprenticeship in Florence, Italy where she was inspired by old world designs and historic influences. Allison has had the fortune of partnering with some big franchises in TV, movies, music, video games, and more. Recently, she did an official The Hobbit piece of a sterling silver black arrow pendant. She also is about to release an official piece for the TV series Outlander.  Other jewelry features, Star Trek, Fallout, Skyrim, and more. RockLove has put a lot of care into the packaging of these collectible pieces and use gold foil stickers to make the jewelry boxes stand out. Make your brand stand out with fancy stickers, choose from glow-in-the-dark, reflective, or stick with our kiss cut stickers.  
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