October 2, 2014
Yes, you read that right. The town of Marcus, Washington knows one thing really well and takes fierce pride in their small community of almost 200 residents. Their product of choice? Apple cider! Delicious, spiced apple cider holds a special place in their hearts and the Marcus CiderFest is a celebration of not only apples, but family, friends and a close-knit small town atmosphere.
The self-proclaimed motto of "Biggest Little Festival in Northern Washington" intends to draw attention to this quaint village, and delivers the most bang for your buck in terms of activities and a sense of family. Taking place on October 4th, 2014, the Marcus CiderFest promises a car show, kids carnival, parade, pancake breakfast ...deep breath... cider booth, desserts booth, music, a beer garden and tons of arts and crafts. That's a lot of fun to pack into one little town, and in just one day? Make sure you get there early so you can enjoy each and every family-friendly activity as you sample all manner of apple products.
Their sticker is nothing short of reminiscent for the good ol' days, when the changing of the seasons signified the start of apple cider season. Presses were uncovered and cleaned, spices were prepared and apples were ground by the dozens. "Who Presses Your Cider?" is a cute way of reminding people of the heritage of Marcus, Washington and the delicious by-products of a fruitful season.
Check out this cute little video about CiderFest 2013 to prepare yourself for fall fun. Want to inspire a sense of community with your own stickers? Click here to get started!