Interview with Jesse Mills Flurgen of Bear Arms Shirt

April 10, 2014
Interview with Jesse Mills Flurgen of Bear Arms Shirt
Jesse-Mills-with-a-custom-logo-sticker-printed-by-StickerGiant-and-a-custom-bear-arms-shirts Episode 3: Product innovation  StickerFairy Hailey interviews funny-man Jesse Mills, founder of furry-armed t-shirt company Bear Arms Shirts. He talks prototype development with his mom, bandwidth limitations when growing a supply chain, and marketing hints and tricks. Bear Arms Shirts poke fun at a hot American rights issue with their unique line of custom made shirts.  Right to Bear Arms Shirt boasts the only 2nd Amendment shirt you'll ever need. With 6 captions to choose from the shirt features arms made out of a imitation bear fur and is sure to solicit a laugh. Visit to and check out their shirts for yourself!  
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