IncubateDFW, part of IncubateX, is a hackathon for high school and college students in the Dallas-Forth Worth area who interested in tech and entrepreneurship. This event is one of eighteen IncubateX hackathons around the world. Their sicker is a classic look using a black on white design, with text as the primary design element. They add a visual twist when use the last two letters of their event name (IncubaTE) to add a fun geotag that spells out TEX for Texas. This sticker will play well on laptops, notebooks and bumpers everywhere. Thanks to Barista Ventures in Dallas for providing the space for this tech-infused party.
This event combines the idea of a startup weekend with the format of a hackathon to provide students with an opportunity to create their product, and to also get a working business model in 24 hours. Attendees will have various workshops to learn entirely new skills and platforms, and there will be mentors on hand to share knowledge acquired over years of experience.
Team will have 30 hours to hack together and to complete viable products that could go to market. Because IncubateDFW is an entrepreneurship hackathon, participants will have diverse skillsets, with designers, developers, and budding entrepreneurs coming together to network and build.
Go forth and hack, IncubateDFW teams!
Connect with the team on Twitter at @incubatedfw and on Facebook at @incubatedfw.