March 14, 2014
Can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do at StickerGiant?
My name is Ilene but because of the way it's spelled, I get called Irene a lot. That's not cool. I've been at StickerGiant since 2009 and have seen many changes here. What do I do here? If you ask John Fischer, one of the things he will say is that I bake birthday cakes for employees here. I do but my office title is Bookkeeper, HR and Office Manager. What does that mean? I play with lots of papers and numbers, game keeper to these amazing wild monkeys and make sure there is chocolate, coffee and toilet paper in the house.
Where do you live and why do you enjoy Colorado?
I have lived in 4 different states and have to say that Colorado is a great place to live. I love that we have 4 seasons here. I just wish Fall was a lot longer and Winter was a little shorter. There are a few things I miss from my birth place in California like Mitsuwa Marketplace, Ramen shops and Sanrio stores. At least we are starting to get Trader Joe's here!
What was your first job?
My first job was at a fast food place called Pup 'n Taco. It served hot dogs and tacos. Go figure. It is not in business any more. It got replaced by Taco Bell.
Outside of work, what can we find you doing?
Being a wife, mother of twin boys, chores, playing any Lego game series on Xbox (my Wii bit the dust), chores, knitting, chores, crocheting, chores, baking, chores, golfing, chores and eating.
What do you love most about working for a sticker company?
Hearing the stories behind the sticker can be very interesting but I have to admit, I love sticking stickers on something.
Have you ever caught a problem at StickerGiant that saved the company time and money?
We have a chocolate consumption problem here at StickerGiant so I lessen the impact to our budget by buying in bulk and watching out for sales.
Is there something special you like about stickers?
They can put a smile on someone's face.