Ignite Vegas

November 15, 2011
Ignite Vegas
Square Stickers for Ignite Vegas printed by StickerGiant Ignite Vegas is but one of many outposts of the Ignite community. Since the first event was held in Seattle five years ago, Ignite has seen entrepreneurs, techies, creatives, thinkers, and all-around show-boaters hop on stages all over the world for their 5 minutes of fame (thereby proving that not everything that happens in Vegas stays there).
Fast-paced, fun, thought-provoking, social, local, global—Ignite is all of these and more. It’s a high-energy evening of 5-minute talks by people who have an idea—and the guts to get onstage and share it with our Las Vegas community. Run by local volunteers who are connected through the global Ignite network, Ignite is a force for raising the collective IQ and building connections in each city. And, via streaming and archived videos of local talks, local Ignites share all that knowledge and passion with the world. Oh – we also like beer.
Sounds like fun and like one of those events where anything could happen! Not that Vegas really needs any more flash, glitz, or combustible material. They've got that whole "wow factor" thing unlocked, dontcha think?
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