... to steward the health of our community by fostering life-long relationships with the natural world through exceptional mentoring and nature education.
And a vision:We work daily to achieve a cultural intervention that will bring back into our modern lives a necessary and healthy relationship with the natural world and within our human communities. We envision a world where each child may once again grow up with the freedom to explore undeveloped nature and access to the knowledge which allows them to care for themselves, their communities and the environment.
Primitive Pursuit's brilliant one-color sticker gets right down to it, with simple elegance. Life's better when you take time out to kick back, hang around a campfire and howl at the moon. While you don't have to become a modern day hybrid of Henry Thoreau and Grizzly Adams, everyone needs to get off the grid once in a while. So put down the controller to your game system, turn off the TV, ditch the smartphone and get away from it all. Learn how to identify birds. Make a bow. Perfect your winter survival techniques. There were no XBoxes, Playstations, iPhones, or Samsung Galaxies when I was a kid. The only TV worth watching was during prime time. During the day, we got outside and did stuff. Like exploring in the woods. We turned over rocks in the stream, looking for orange spotted salamanders. We swung from vines and came home with scrapes, scratches, and poison ivy rashes. We went on hikes to nowhere and came up with silly trivia games. Like today's question ... Q: What Actor played Grizzly Adams in the 1970s TV series?- Larry Storch
- Bill Daily
- Dan Haggerty
- Mickey Rourke
- Robert Blake