As an organization, we are comprised of teams of “Giants,” from Customer Service to Production and from Pre-Press to IT. While we have a few systems in place for how we run our business at StickerGiant (see stories about about the Entrepreneurial Operating System and the Great Game of Business), today’s story is all about how we create a shared language and common culture through our Core Values.We have three values, and we break those down into a “Feeling” and a “Behavior” for each value. While many companies have Core Values, our Values at StickerGiant come straight from our people. We spent an entire month sitting down with each team to get a pulse from them on how our Core Values play out here at StickerGiant.Those Three Core Values are as follows:
All In
Grow & Learn
Positive Energy
Today we are going to talk about the first value: All In. While the words and phrase “All In” might seem straightforward, the larger definition can be found in a series of phrases that you can see on the custom sticker sheet we printed up that holds 11 different sticker peel offs. It's a unique sticker story, and the message distills into: “All In means we’re in it for the greater good." To illustrate that concept, we have the individual stickers narrating the story.
Dominating the middle of the sheet itself is the phrase "All In" in all caps with white type on a red background. It's a strong statement, and it makes for a great individual sticker for a Giant to slap in a place that will remind them of Core Value #1.
Let's talk through the sticker sheet itself. Starting at the top left and moving to the right, there's the StickerGiant logo shirt peel off "Always, in all ways, a Giant," then there's "Balance Matters" featuring the Yin Yang symbol, which means we're all about balancing work with fun and life as a big part of what we do. Next is the the Eye graphic with "We take a customer centric POV" followed by the heart with the words Altruism | Empathy | Teamwork and the tagline "How we all show up" in the top right corner. Moving down on the right-hand side of the sticker you see the two yellow arrows pointing one another with the saying "Showing a commitment from both sides." On the bottom of the sticker sheet are four more peel offs, a megaphone symbolizing the concept that"Leaders set a strong tone," a check-mark verification shield representing the notion that "Trust is a must," and then a feedback loop that means "We're in it for the great good" and a set of connected atoms that stands for the idea that we're "Structured to support success." On the left side in the middle of the five stars that represents "Pride drives quality."
We're proud of this sticker, but we're even more proud to hear from our Giants about how they see this Core Value every day at work. Here's a selection of words straight from the mouths of Giants.
“I can get behind a company that supports its employees.”
“We’re not just numbers, but actual humans.”
“The commitment to employees - not just the bottom line - is appreciated.”
“We carry each other, keep others in mind.”
“We spend a lot of time here; pride is propulsion.”
It's this type of All In approach that really makes a Giant, and it's what makes StickerGiant a great place to work. We'll share more about our other two Core Values over the course of the year. Thanks for letting us share this story with you.