Heroes Like Villains

January 19, 2016
Heroes Like Villains
Heroes-Like-Villains-custom-logo-stickers-printed-by-StickerGiant-with-the-band-in-the-background-of-the-photo "Punk is not dead!" Exclaims the Heroes Like Villains. Hailing from Columbus, Ohio this band is here to fulfill the need for some new pop punk in your life. Heroes Like Villains are just getting off the ground floor with some awesome music and sweet designs to bolster their name. Combining characters straight out of a comic book into rock stars, it's like every kids dream molded into one. They are about to see the shadow of their first EP "Amends" this Groundhog's Day, February 2nd, 2016. To help spread the word of their band, they printed up some awesome custom shaped stickers of their logo, "Heroes Like Villains" with a sticker side kick on kiss cut stickers. showing off their comic alter egos. In talking with Heroes Like Villains, Josh Willis, he gave us the reason for getting stickers,
"We ordered the stickers because we believed we needed to have a visual reference that could be displayed anywhere, in addition to t-shirts and thought what better way to have our band marketed permanently, in some places, than stickers?
Where are you distributing the stickers?
"We're distributing the stickers with our CD's as a pack, or as stand-alone's at our shows. We're hoping fans will help us leave our mark at the various places we perform."
Pump out the sticker jams, with your own custom band stickers. Check out Heroes Like Villains:
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