Hanuman Chai Energizing the Chai Blend

February 6, 2015
Hanuman Chai Energizing the Chai Blend
Our customer Hanuman Chai has new labels on their bottles of Chai at Lucky’s Market. We love their chai because their approach is “good ingredients taste better and feel better.” This takes chai back to its Indian roots with organic ingredients that naturally energizes without the overload of caffeine. Hanuman Chai is based in Boulder, Colorado, and believes in family friendly products that are an extension of their soul. Their chai was first created due to a lack of any other authentic tasting chai blend on the market. There are various blends offered from Warming Winter to Invigorating Spring, all with their own unique tastes and health benefits. Hanuman Chai has now introduced a new bottled version of their product called EnerChai. This delicious beverage is brewed fresh in Almond Milk, Whole Milk, or Coconut Milk. The EnerChai label portrays the roots of chai from the base of the Himalayas and those who mastered the secret blend. Karha is the main ingredient in chai, which is a blend of herbs and spices.  “Hanuman” is a Hindu god “of strength, courage, perseverance, and devotion.” As legend has it, he needed a spice (found at the base of the Himalayas) to heal his friends wounded in battle. In his desperation to find it, he took in his hand the entire mountain to bring to his friends. Pictured on the label, “Hanuman” with a cup of chai he took in his hand! Hanuman Chai took this story to heart and summed it up in their slogan “Anything is Possible.” With great taste come great benefits. Is it time to lift your product up in your hand? Create your own custom label with StickerGiant and begin giving the world the relaxation and invigoration it needs!
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