April 28, 2013
We've all sat through one (or a hundred) too many boring PowerPoint presentations. And we've all labored to create decks with the hope of not putting the audience to sleep.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Giant Thinkwell has designed a presentation tool unlike any other. An iPad app without parallel.
Haiku Deck has a noble goal:
We feel crafting a compelling story should be a joyful creative exercise. We believe everyone has amazing stories and ideas, and we're here to help you set your story free.
Effective presentations engage the audience and sell the dream. Kinda like stickers. Okay, maybe not exactly like stickers. The Haiku Deck logo is reminiscent of the NBC Peacock ... one of the greatest logos of all time. Primary colors with translucence, an origami bird in flight, elegance in simplicity. Traveling with an iPad - rather than a laptop - lightens your load. Access to a world of high-quality photographs takes your ideas to the next level. Haiku Deck interprets the words you type into your presentation and instantly returns a list of Creative Commons photos. Think: Simple. Elegant. Fast ... your words into pictures ... your thoughts into a presentation. Watch this: