Golden Age of WordCamps: Milano and Sacramento 2016

October 21, 2016
Golden Age of WordCamps: Milano and Sacramento 2016
StickerGiant-Sponsored-Stickers-WordCamp-Milano-2016 Sticker sheets and custom die cut stickers are on the road all around the world this weekend, with WordCamps in California and in Italy (plus our Startup Weekends on three continents!). Let's head to Europe first and then cruise home to the USA and Golden State. But before we go, we want to give a big thanks to all of our organizers for their work leading up to the weekend, and we hope for our attendees nothing but learning and enjoyment.

WordCamp Milano 2016

It's exciting to send sticker sheets to WordCamp Milano 2016 because they using bold color treatments that make for standout individual tear-offs on their sheet. We are really digging on the kaleidoscopic designs for the WordPress logos, and one look at the elegant take on the Renaissance skyline of Milano makes it clear that the golden age of art lives on today with this community as they gather to celebrate all things WordPress. They'll have two tracks that they've dubbed Matter and Elasticity, which groups sessions into developer and design topic area. And on Friday, October 21 WordCamp Milan hosts the third Contributor Italian Day, a day dedicated to group work on the codebase for As at other WordCamps around the world, Contributor Day is not only for those who write code: There are several teams to be able to contribute with different skills. Follow all of the #wcmil action Twitter.

WordCamp Sacramento 2016

StickerGiant-Sponsored-Stickers-WordCamp-Sacramento-2016 Speaking of a golden age, we're rushing west to WordCamp Sacramento 2016, where web enthusiasts will be taking over the Harper Alumni Center at Sacramento State University for an informal, volunteer-run, two-day conference focused on everything WordPress. They are sporting a custom die cut sticker with a pick and shovel (when there's a gold rush, it's a good time to be in the pick and shovel business, as the old saying goes) on a black background with golden-tinged text. Totally on brand for the event and for the location. Whether you're brand new to WordPress, you use it casually, or you're a seasoned professional, there is something for everyone at every skill level. So if you are in northern California, swing through the capital city for some Wordpress. Kudos to the organizing team for pulling together all of the gold-branded elements and getting sponsors and sessions and speakers lined up. Follow all of #wcsac conversation on Twitter.
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