Go Twice as High with Reading Rainbow

December 22, 2014
Go Twice as High with Reading Rainbow
Reading-Rainbow-stickers-by-StickerGiant If you were a kid in the '80's, Reading Rainbow was one of the coolest things on TV. It was educational, it featured the acting talents of LeVar Burton and it made books super  cool. Anyone who was anyone was tuned in to Reading Rainbow, which ran from 1983 until 2009. Unfortunately, once the show went off the air, we all had to find something better to do with our days than nerd out to Burton's soothing vocals. After a short hiatus from educational television, however, Burton came back earlier this year with a 2.0 version of Reading Rainbow, and a whole new generation of children fell in love with Geordi from Star Trek: The Next Generation. With the digital age all around us now, Reading Rainbow is a breath of fresh air that truly deserves screen time. StickerGiant is proud to support the educational efforts of public television, so it was only fitting that we make the most awesome stickers the reading world could handle. Designed in the vein of original 8-bit Mario, which was Nintendo's most popular character during the 80's, these stickers are a colorful throwback to a simpler time in American television. Go ahead - take a look in a book. We'll be waiting for ya. Here's a short video of Reading Rainbow's original intro from 1983 - pretty snazzy for the time! Ready to infuse a healthy dose of sweet nostalgia into your own sticker creation? Start your order and one of our Sticker Experts will have your stickers to you in no time!
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