May 11, 2009
[Editors Note] Dear Reader, we do not offer Glow in the Dark Stickers any longer, but loved this Sticker Story and wanted to share it with you. Enjoy.
Hey this is John Fischer, I'm the owner and founder of StickerGiant and I wanted to show you a new sticker we just did, it is a glow in the dark sticker for my friend AJ.
AJ has a new venture going and he needed some new stickers. His logo is rectangular so we didn't want to do a die cut shape, so we found this super glowing intense vinyl stock and printed black ink over it with his logo and these things glow like crazy.
We tested them out earlier, and I'll show you a picture and they are really neat stickers for Vaynermedia. If you want one, send us a self addressed stamped envelope to Vaynermedia Stickers, c/o PO 301 Hygiene, CO 80533.
Thanks a lot and have a great day.