December 7, 2010

The sequel to our popular line of gift ideas: Stickers. And maybe T-shirts. And okay, key rings too. And whatever else you can find in our giant store. This time, though, the theme is music. Who doesn't know someone who loves music? They don't even have to love the Grateful Dead – seriously, they could love Slipknot or something else godawful like that. S Club 7. Andean pan flute music. That Chinese classical stuff they're always playing at my favorite Cantonese joint. It's all music, and somebody loves it. You don't have to have taste to love music.
I kid, I kid! We've got tons of cool bands that order our
band stickers, 'cause it's a proven fact that people who love music also love stickers. That's just common knowledge, right? No, I don't have a source for that, you'll have to trust me.
[Editors Note: we no longer offer stickers for retail sale, so we can specialize in continuing to print up your custom designs every day. Get started with your own custom stickers or labels at]