November 4, 2013

Meet Sarah Vincent and Kristen Bateman, the women behind the salad dressing/marinade brand Re:.
They grew up outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and have been best friends since childhood. How awesome is that!?
Whether you are Re:fueling after a run or Re:inventing Sunday family dinners, Re: can help. Their garlicky vinaigrette is perfect on green salad and pasta salad, or makes a great marinade on chicken, pork, shrimp, and vegetables.

Q&A with Sarah Vincent
What do people really dig about your product/services?:
Our salad dressing is produced in Baton Rouge, LA where most occasions center around a meal and most events take place in the kitchen. We love sharing our dressing and our Southern philosophy!
Who are the awesome people behind the curtain at your company/project and what do they do?:
Sarah Vincent and Kristen Bateman are the women behind all those bottles of salad dressing. We grew up right outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and have been best friends since elementary school. We have shared a lot of life together (study sessions, beach trips, athletic ventures, and a lot of life's ups and downs).
When we first started talking about putting our favorite homemade salad dressing in bottles for friends, between family life and jobs, we spent a lot of time emailing each other our ideas. Re: was born in these emails and is where the name for our dressing came from.
We are currently producing our dressing in the
kitchen incubator at LSU, and are dressing is sold in the Baton Rouge area.
Why/How do you use stickers as a marketing or outreach tactic?:
Re: is a mix of garlicky, vinegar, and olive oil deliciousness, so we were looking for a label that could stand up to being passed around a dinner table, wipe clean when it was spilled, and still look great. Our label is the face of our product and we wanted the best for an even better price. We knew we were asking for a lot!
What advice would you give to a company thinking about using stickers as a marketing tactic to wow their fans. What has worked for you, what hasn’t, etc?:
Our product has to be great, but just as important is letting your fans know who you are! The old mantra still rings true today: "location. location. location." Get your brand everywhere!
List some ways that fans can support your brand to encourage growth apart from buying your product or service?:
Share our story with your friends! Ask for Re: in grocery stores and markets! Every time that I go to a grocery store manager to see if they'll carry our dressing, it is awesome to hear that they already are getting inquiries for Re:!
Can you leave links to your social media outlets so that our community can get social with you?: