Get S'more Out of Life with Stuff'n Mallows

September 10, 2014
Get S'more Out of Life with Stuff'n Mallows
Once upon a time, there were three Colorado State University graduates - Tyler, Paul and James - that were on a mission to make the perfect s'more. The first graduate said, "My chocolate is too cold!" The second one lamented, "My chocolate is, too!" The third graduate said, "Hey, why don't we put the chocolate inside the marshmallow to eliminate all of this frustration?" The idea was met with a resounding "ABSOLUTELY!" and Stuff'n Mallows was born. The idea is surprisingly simple: put awesome goodies like chocolate, mint and peanut butter inside of a marshmallow so as it's heated everything melts together into one delicious treat that's better than any campfire s'more you had at summer camp. What could be better than gourmet marshmallows to fancy up a sweet snack? Recently, the fine folks at Stuff'n Mallows dropped by the StickerGiant office for a generous tasting in honor of National Toasted Marshmallow Day August 30th. They were also there to celebrate the awesome sticker sheet we made to commemorate the marshmallow's distinctive day to itself. They're a super fun company and the mallows were great - just check out the little ones getting their snack on! Here's a cute little video that neatly explains the concept behind the company. Check it out, then click here to see how we can help you celebrate your awesome ideas!  
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