April 24, 2015

Drumroll please...
That's right. It's Friday, which means a checkin from the Sponsorship Desk, where Jesse and Andrew are working hard to get amazing in-kind stickers out to tech events and worthy causes.
This week we get a little Midwestern flavor along the Mississippi, home of the Ten Thousand Lakes and WordCamp Minneapolis 2015.
Then we get to head east to Amherst, Massachusetts, and the home of Minutemen and this year's edition of TEDxAmherst, where the theme is "Pioneer." And as they say on the site: "The talks surround the theme of pioneering a better future, for not only ourselves but our posterity"
Wow. So much amaze to ensue with these two events. Read on for a bit more about each.
Ideas Worth Spreading
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TedxAmherst StickerGiant Sponsored Stickers[/caption]
From the TedXAmherst site:
Speakers are undoubtedly the cornerstone of what makes TED so special. Here at TEDxAmherst we work hard to curate speakers that have honest, powerful, and intelligent ideas. We work closely with the speakers to tailor their ideas into the perfect TED talks for our audience. Our speakers, much like their topics, come from all over the globe. When we curate a speaker for our conference or we hand out a ticket for conference attendance, we are growing the global community of not just TED, but of our world.
We are in esteemed company with a slew of other awesome sponsors.
Code + Community = WordCamp Love
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Wordcamp Minneapolis 2015 StickerGiant Sponsored Sticker[/caption]
Huge thanks to the organizers of WordCamp Minneapolis 2015 for all of their hard work to bring together Wordpress Developers for a weekend of fun and code. And we are stoked to be sponsors with a group of favorites.