April 28, 2015

Ever been in the store right before a dinner trying to pick out that perfect wine? To drink great wine, one must first find it. Stash Wines takes the guessing out of picking out wine and guarantees a selection of wine that all dinner guests will appreciate.
For Scot Wagner, owner of Stash Wines, this is his passion, finding great wine with real stories behind them. The curation of wine is constant to ensure the best selection of new wine. The process is not just picking bottles of wine at random, Scot walks the vineyards with the winemakers, gets the full story for how a wine is made and what ingredients are put in it.
Stash Wines guarantees the pedigree and integrity of all the wine they handle. They are located in Marin County, California, but don't worry, this stash of wine is available for sale online. The wine is kept in a temperature controlled environment and bought directly from wineries, or hand picked distributors.
Stash Wines offers "A Little Stash Club" and "The Milkman," to get the most out of their great selection of wine. These clubs offer monthly deliveries of an assortment of wines and A Little Stash Club includes food pairing suggestions.
To promote these great clubs and fine wines, Stash Wines is
slapping stickers on bottles to let everyone know where they got it from.