The spirit of innovation is on tap for this weekend, with two events in Mexico and one in France. There are a couple fun sticker sheets and a custom shape sticker en route to these far-flung lands, all with great uses of color, local flavor and some fun iconography. You never know what you're gonna get out of a Startup Weekend
—it's all about invention, after all
—but these folks know they are getting some great stickers.
Let's start our tour of these three Startup cities as they kick off their weekends.
Startup Weekend Internet of Things
Startup Weekend Internet of Things will be taking over Guadalajara, and this is team that we've supported for two other events this year. With the
Internet of Things (IoT) becoming more of everyday life (think of your Bluetooth-connected car, the Alexa in your home or the Siri in your phone), how we search and interact with digital technology is changing. A startup weekend focused on 54 hours of iterative solutions for these emerging needs, some that consumers might not even know they need. It's an exciting time for new businesses in this space. They printed up a
sticker sheet that have four peel offs, in a blue-and-light-green treatment, with the event branding a big type, and three themed stickers, a light bulb, the Startup Weekend beaker and a network connection that represents IoT. This will be an enjoyable sheet for attendees to get creative.
Startup Weekend Chihuahua
Heading north from Central Mexico, up next is Startup Weekend Chihuahua.
They are having a traditional Startup Weekend, which means 54 hours of brainstorming and creating products, services or business that are still-to-be discovered. There will be teams formed, ideas, pitched, mentoring given, and it all ends with a panel of judges who will assess the best of the best. Their sticker is a
custom shaped die cut that features local architecture and a Startup Weekend lab person rocking a mustache. The crimson and burnt-red tone make for swatch that works well together for standout-branding.
Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille
Hopping the pond over to the southern coast of France to Technology of the Arbois in Aix-en-Provence for Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille. This team designed a striking purple sticker sheet that highlights five peel offs, one a Startup Weekend beaker, an event hashtag (#SWAM) and two square peels. The dominant element, other than the color, is a cicada, which is a well-known resident of Provence in the summer time, as their song echoes through the region in the bucolic afternoons of the French sojourn. We really enjoyed their Team page, with the custom faces that match the color of the sticker.