The idea for Element Outfitters was born from the need for an all-inclusive white water rafting site. A site where you can find white water rafting products, information, and most importantly all the gear you need for your next outdoor adventure. Since then, Element Outfitters has grown to include all four elements of outdoor adventure, carrying supplies, apparel and footwear for paddle sports, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, travel and outdoor hobbies. Element Outfitters is a family owned business.
Paul and Stacie, a husband and wife team, have spent the last decade running a local outdoor sporting goods store. Two years ago, they expanded and opened a second outdoor sports store and now they are expanding to an online presence.
The ElementOutfitters.com sticker is one of the most tastefully colorful designs we've seen roll out of our gigantic magical printer. Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire ... it's all there, with an awesome three-dimensional treatment that really makes it pop. You're bound to uncover all kinds of gems while browsing their snappy site, like the GSI Outdoors 30oz Java Drip Coffee Filter...this little critter can brew up a hot steaming cup of coffee anywhere you can find some clean hot water ... which brings us to Element's extensive water treatment/purification and camp cooking pages. Never mind if your idea of whitewater rafting is the water park at Great Adventure. Spend enough time on the site and you might find a strange desire to hit the road, open up a can of beans, pitch a tent ... and go rafting, for real!