December 5, 2011

In 1984, after years spent formulating a plan for the perfect pizza joint, David Davydd Miller started the first DoubleDave's Pizzaworks in College Station, TX. Dave concocted a recipe for the perfect crust, then had a flour mill blend a custom formula for what would become the foundation of the DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks brand. He found a cannery to do the same for a rich, fresh tomato-based pizza sauce, and rounded up folks with good upper body strength to roll out and sling pizza dough. He served it all up in a cozy little restaurant by campus, and the rest is history.Turns out, there really is a Dave and he's so nice, his parents named him twice. But the good Mr. Miller is not alone with his unusual double name. Of course the Southern U.S. is home to the tradition of stacking names (right, Ricky Bobby?). But for some reason there are a host of political leaders with the double name, some more infamous than others. And only one with a sense of humor.