October 13, 2016

We've got a one-two combo of Startup Weekends for today, with Startup Weekend San Lorenzo and Startup Weekend Smart Cities. What's extra special about these events is that we have Mexico and Paraguay representing for Startup Weekend. Right on, teams.
Startup Weekend San Lorenzo
We kick off in South America and Asuncion, Paraguay at Startup Weekend San Lorenzo. The event will be held in the Campus San Lorenzo, of the National University of Asuncion and aims to develop a community of technology entrepreneurs University. This meeting seeks to unite in teams students, alumni and staff from different faculties and careers to create digital business, in an environment of innovation, learning and a lot of adrenaline. The teams will be made up of teams of IT developers, designers and business strategists.
They have a fun
custom kiss cut sticker for their Startup Weekend, with a custom shape of their campus, along with the Startup Weekend beaker, plus a location tag and a shout out to their title sponsor Google for Entrepreneurs.

Startup Weekend Smart Cities
Now turning to San Salvador Tizatlali Metepec in Mexico, where Startup Weekend Smart Cities participants will be spending 54 hours learning to create a company that will help make their city a better place to live. This weekend will strive to create solutions in the following verticals: Transport (think Uber and connecting passengers with drivers); Security (like Nest and controlling your home surveillance camera from your smartphone); Infrastructure (Samsara, for example, and other devices for energy monitoring); and Sustainability (in the vein of Bright and solutions for the accumulation of solar energy at home. The vision from these organizers is that all big cities have a list of needs and optimization transportation, pollution reduction and energy savings that need solutions.
They came up with a really sweet
sticker sheet, with seven unique peel offs, including a couple event logos, an 8-bit design, and a few simple, color-based vector graphics. This is a versatile piece of art for attendees at this weekend, with plenty of options for stickability.
Go forth and code, everyone! Thanks to all of the organizers, mentors and participants in these global startup events. We know that when these communities come together, good things will happen.
This video will show you more about the magic that happens at a Startup Weekend